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ProxPAD - with VAT relief

ProxPAD with a persons hand holding an RFID card above the device

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The unique Touch or Swipe action on the ProxPAD makes communication easy for children and adults with speech and language difficulties. Young children who are still developing their language skills, as well as users who have limited hand function can all benefit from using the ProxPAD.

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The Logan ProxPAD is a device that enables communication for a wide range of users.

The unique Touch or Swipe action on the ProxPAD makes communication easy for children and adults with speech and language difficulties. Young children who are still developing their language skills, as well as users who have limited hand function can all benefit from using the ProxPAD.

Using the tried and tested RFID technology of the ProxTalker the ProxPAD is easy and versatile to use.

The Touch mode requires your hand or sound tag to make contact with the blue surface of the ProxPAD while the Proximity mode allows you to swipe the sound card above the surface.

At home:

  • Provide a voice to picture exchange or non-verbal communication
  • Use objects of reference, symbols or photographs to communicate
  • Support communication for users with limited hand movement
  • Record and communicate messages whilst out and about
  • Encourage independence in social situations
  • Lower levels of anxiety and frustration from ‘not being heard’
  • Enable the user to be an active participant in their family and community life
  • Promote reward and motivation

At School:

  • Communicate messages around the school
  • Read out instructions giving independence to the students
  • Enhance language opportunities in creative ways
  • Provide young children with a level of freedom
  • Support reading ability across curriculum subjects
  • Encourage engagement and interaction
  • Signpost users in the school or classroom environment
  • Assist learners where English is not their first language
  • Enable visually impaired children to access the curriculum
  • Encourage picture exchange communication with a voice
  • Use objects of reference, symbols or photographs to communicate
  • Add audio dimension to lessons from music, environment sounds to recording different voices
  • Enable students with limited hand movement to communicate
  • Boost student’s confidence and motivation
  • Introduce and develop vocabulary understanding
  • Promote independent communication around the school
  • Support teaching and learning in all curriculum areas
  • Enable blind or visually impaired children to access their learning

For users with other verbal communication barriers:

  • Give patients a voice to communicate requests
  • Promote quick communication in an emergency situation
  • Enable users with limited hand movement to communicate
  • Develop speech and language skills with patients 
  • Lower language barriers for patients who don’t speak English
  • Improve patient’s ability to participate in consultations and care
  • Personalise tags for each patient

Key Features:

  • Touch or swipe mode of action
  • Large target area for object or picture stimulus for message retrieval
  • Easy to generate tags to match physical and visual abilities
  • Use in the classroom or mount on wall for school environment use
  • Inbuilt microphone
  • Sound tag can store up to 8 seconds of recording
  • 1GB memory, (30,000 sound tags/1,000 minutes)

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