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Kurzweil 3000 Windows Edition (DSA) - with VAT relief

Kurzweil 3000
Product Code: K0841
Reward points: 0

Kurzweil 3000 is an integrated reading, writing, and study skill support software that enables struggling readers to learn from the same content as their peers.

Students may have difficulty reading for a variety of reasons. Their inability to read fluently at grade level means they are unable to learn from class and curriculum content. For these students, Kurzweil 3000 can be life changing.

This edition of Kurzweil 3000 is intended for students under the DSA scheme.

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Kurzweil 3000 is an integrated reading, writing, and study skill support software that enables struggling readers to learn from the same content as their peers.

Students may have difficulty reading for a variety of reasons. Their inability to read fluently at grade level means they are unable to learn from class and curriculum content. For these students, Kurzweil 3000 can be life changing.

Kurzweil 3000 provides multi-sensory access to virtually any text or curriculum, including print, electronic, and web-based material – so students learn from grade appropriate content, develop valuable study skills, and become independent learners.

Unlike other programs that work only with preformatted material, Kurzweil 3000 allows teachers and students the freedom to work with content from any publisher across content areas.

Additionally, Kurzweil 3000 supports the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), enabling multiple means for students of all abilities to engage with digital text.

Moreover, Kurzweil 3000 is used at all tier levels within Response to Intervention (RtI) programs to prevent students’ academic performance from slipping.

Kurzweil 3000: features

Supports critical reading skills

Kurzweil 3000 can access virtually any content, supporting decoding skills and vocabulary so students can focus on comprehending.


Kurzweil 3000 reads text aloud at a rate appropriate to each user, providing a model of and support for fluent decoding. Kurzweil 3000’s patented dual highlighting of on screen text improves students’ reading performance by highlighting a sentence, line or phrase in one colour and each word in another colour as it is read aloud.


By fluently reading text aloud, Kurzweil 3000 increases students reading speed and provides increased exposure to grade-appropriate vocabulary.

Dictionaries and other tools in the program further enhance vocabulary development. One-click access to word support, including recursive dictionaries, synonyms, syllables and word spelling helps students with decoding and keeps them actively reading when they reach passages they would otherwise have difficulty comprehending.


Kurzweil 3000 enables struggling readers to focus on the meaning of content, while offering highlighters and other supports for students to interact with text to increase their comprehension.

Read the Web

Kurzweil 3000 enhances audible and visual access to web pages with Mozilla Firefox, opening up the resources of the Internet to all students, while providing the same reading and reference features that users enjoy within Kurzweil 3000.

Offers flexible writing tools

As students type, they can use the check-spelling-while-typing and speak-while-typing features to quickly recognize and correct spelling mistakes. The audible spell checker and comprehensive word prediction feature further assist students with writing and editing reports, essays and papers independently.

Develops important study skills

Kurzweil 3000 study skills tools enable teachers to teach and reinforce important study skills that will help students for their entire lives.

Students can improve their reading comprehension and retention with tools such as text highlighting, annotations, bubble notes, voice notes, bookmarks and extraction of outlines or word lists.

Teachers can individualize instruction without differentiating curriculum:

Because Kurzweil 3000 can work with almost any form of text, teachers can often avoid using separate curriculum products for their struggling readers.

Kurzweil 3000 also allows teachers to insert text and voice notes into documents to embed instruction for individual students or entire classes.

Teachers can also embed bubble notes containing questions and instructions to assigned reading to help students stay on task and support reading comprehension.

Provides secure test taking with appropriate supports

Most assessments, from short classroom quizzes to state-standard tests, can be taken securely with Kurzweil 3000.

The supports available to students can be turned on or off to match the requirements of the assessment or a particular students IEP.

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System requirements K3000 Windows

  • Processor: 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 or better
  • System Memory: 512 MB (1GB for 64-bit Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1)
  • Hard Disk Space: 2GB of free space
  • Operating System: Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or later, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 or later, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1
  • Video Memory: 4MB or better
  • Screen Resolutions: 1024×768 24-bit color or better
  • Bandwidth: All installed clients use some amount of bandwidth to connect to web services. Although the clients will work at just about any speed, we recommend a minimum of 56k/student, 512k/lab.
  • Additional Requirements:
    • DVD drive, keyboard, mouse, SoundBlaster 16-bit compatible sound card, speakers, microphone
    • TWAIN-compatible scanner
    • Mozilla Firefox v3.5 or later or Microsoft Internet Explorer v7 or later for Read the Web functionality
    • Internet connection